Researching Your Fisk and/or Fiske Line
Fiske or Fisk Research

The historian, Will Durant, said, “Before we die, let us gather up our heritage, and offer it to our children.” Durant could have added, “and our children’s children.” Researching your family’s history can reveal information about your ancestors, but it also can lead to a fulfilling voyage of self-discovery. It completes the mosaic of who we are. If you are new to genealogy and want to research and preserve your own family history, you can start with these few simple steps.

1. Write down what you know about your ancestors, including information on their births, marriages, deaths, occupations, and other important facts. You will find that you want to organize this information into files. The Family Search website offers free downloads of Pedigree and Family Group forms. The Family Group forms have spaces for each couple and their children. The Pedigree Form allows you too look at your ancestral line.

They also offer a free download of their genealogical software, Personal Ancestry File (PAF). There are also a number of commercial genealogical software programs available for the PC. If you have a Macintosh, you may wish to try the program Reunion, available from (

2. Ask your relatives for information. They may have additional family records, stories, and photographs.
If you intend to share your research with others, they will find the stories and history much more interesting than a dry lineage chart.

3. Pick an ancestor about whom you would like to know more. Start with the ancestors closest to you and work your way back. This may seem like a daunting task, but our ancestors left a document trail for us to follow.

4. There is a good chance that someone else may have researched all or part of your family tree. Good places to search are the Roots Web and Family Search websites. Subscribe to the Fisk and/or Fiske lists, and exchange information with others who are searching the same surname. Subscription or pay sites, such as are also good sources.

5. If you search has taken you to a relative who lived prior to 1896, that person may be listed in one of the books about the Fisk/e family, such as Fisk and Fiske Family by Frederick Clifton Pierce, published in 1896 by W.B. Conkey, Chicago. (See the Sources Page)

6. As you become more serious about your research, you may want to avail yourself of the many free genealogy classes offered on Family Search and/or Roots Web.

Fisk and Fiske Genealogy
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Family Search is the site operated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. They maintain the largest genealogical library in the world. This site offers excellent advice for beginners and access to millions of genealogical records.

Database for Fisk and Fiske Information
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Roots Web states they are the "Largest and oldest free genealogical web site." In addition to many genealogical databases, they host message boards for Fisk and Fiske surnames. Subscribe by sending an e-mail to: Type in the word "subscribe" on the subject line. For the Fiske list, send to:

Cyndis List Fisk or Fiske
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Cyndi's List has an incredible 216,500 genealogical links. Cyndi's List has links for most surname groups as well as links to important sources of genealogical records.

Fiske and Fisk Immigration
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Ellis Island is located near the Statue of Liberty in New York. Between 1892 and 1924, some 22.5 million immigrants came to America through Ellis Island. You can search for your ancestor's name on this site.

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The National Archives is America's attic when it comes to records. There is a treasure trove of records that are of interest to genealogists: Census Records 1790-1930; Military Service and Pension Reocrds 1776-1900; Immigration Records 1820-1957; Naturalization Records, and much more.

Click Image is a subscription or pay site, but they often offer trial subscriptions. Ancestry claims their database has 1.5 billion records. It you don't mind paying for it, it offers an easy way to search records here and abroad.